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Using Your Hot Tub to Reduce Holiday Stress

January 3, 2020

If you own a hot tub, you know all about its soothing effects on your muscles and your mind—but have you considered using it to reduce your holiday stress? Sources of holiday anxiety Around 38 percent of Americans experience holiday stress, according to the American Psychological Association. Women are disproportionately affected, since they typically take on more of the holiday activities, especially when small children are involved. It’s not just women, however—couples are likely to have seven arguments over the course of the season, and the “winter blues” can affect everyone. The short, days lead to a lack of Vitamin... View Article

Using Your Spa to Increase Blood Circulation

October 20, 2019

Spas offer a relaxing oasis where you can melt away your stress and escape the chaos that surrounds you. But did you know that this form of relaxation also increases blood flow in Lubbock, TX? While you’re enjoying the comfort of the flowing waters, you’re actually improving your physical health as well as your mental wellbeing. Not everyone is aware of this connection between blood circulation and spas in Lubbock, TX. Use the following overview to educate yourself on this topic. Then, contact the team at Alcoe to learn more about how you can increase blood flow with your own... View Article

How Effective Is Hydrotherapy?

October 3, 2019

If you’re searching for an effective therapy method, you’ll encounter myriad options. Some offer value, while others do not. As you consider various choices for your health needs, look for solutions that offer convenience and measurable results, such as hydrotherapy in Lubbock, TX. In addition to effective outcomes, consider the ongoing experience of any particular type of exercise or therapy. Will you enjoy it? If it’s not enjoyable, you’re less likely to continue with the therapy to get the results you want and need. Hydrotherapy is often an ideal solution. What is hydrotherapy in Lubbock, TX? Hydrotherapy in Lubbock, TX... View Article

The Countless Benefits of Owning a Swim Spa in Lubbock, TX

September 16, 2019

A host of benefits awaits anyone willing to invest in a swim spa in Lubbock, TX. This item is far more than a tub of warm water. It promotes emotional, physical and mental well-being to those who use it. The benefits are both long- and short-term, so they begin immediately and can be enjoyed for a lifetime. What are these advantages? The list is long. Here are a few, just to give you a taste of how you can benefit from swim spas in Lubbock, TX. Physical Benefits Swim spas in Lubbock, TX are ideal for those who want to... View Article

A Guide to Hot Tub Yoga

September 2, 2019

The ancient art of yoga improves balance, flexibility and strength. Hot tubs in Lubbock, TX also offer health benefits, including improved circulation and joint stress relief. Merging these two activities is a smart, innovative method to reap the benefits of both. This unique combination takes each activity to the next level, boosting the benefits for greater results. To get started with hot tub yoga, you simply need a hot tub in Lubbock, TX and a willingness to try a few simple poses while enjoying your spa. Here’s a quick guide to help you start reaping the benefits. Why Hot Tub... View Article
