Categories for Hot Tub Safety

What Is the Best Way To Stay Hydrated When Using a Hot Tub?

February 14, 2023

Hot tubs are a great way to unwind and relax, especially after a long day. Many health benefits are attributed to regularly soaking in hot tubs, such as relieving muscle pain, lessening stress levels, and improving sleep.  While there are many health of wellness benefits to it, soaking in hot tubs also could have certain risks for it, like dehydration. Because it’s so relaxing, people tend to forget to drink and stay hydrated.  The Risks of Dehydration You might think there’s no need to worry about dehydration in the hot tub since there’s nothing strenuous about it. In fact, it’s... View Article

How to Use a Swim Spa for Exercise

March 19, 2020

Many of our customers have turned to swim spas as a way to enhance their workout routine. Swim spas are not only a fun and relaxing way to exercise, but they’re also quite effective. Thanks to their size (big enough to swim in, as the name suggests) and jets adding additional resistance to the water, you can develop an exercise routine that will help you stay in shape—and won’t leave you dreading the next session. Swim spa exercises in Lubbock, TX are one of the most fun ways to keep your blood pumping. How swim spas enhance exercise Originally, swim... View Article

Should I Use My Hot Tub Before or After Exercise?

March 5, 2020

Hot tubs and spas are relaxing and soothing, and never more so than when you’ve engaged in a strenuous workout beforehand. Stiff, sore muscles benefit from the hot water and jet streams, which help increase blood flow to the muscles and speed up healing. In fact, you’ll increase those benefits if you soak in the hot tub before your workout, too—similar to the warmup you should be doing before any workout, a soak in the hot tub allows your muscles to heat and loosen up before you start your routine. How to use your hot tub before and after exercise... View Article

Too Hot to Run? Try a Swim Spa in Lubbock, TX

August 16, 2019

When the sun is high in the bright Texas sky, it might be too hot to attempt your regular workout. But who says you need a track or a trail to run? It’s easy to complete your regular run with a swim spa in Lubbock, TX. In fact, the added benefits of running in a swim spa in Lubbock, TX could provide a better workout than you would get on land. Here’s a quick guide to get the most from running in a swim spa. Swim Spa Workout Benefits Running in the water, also known as aqua jogging, offers several... View Article
